Baltimore’s Secret “LOFT” Scene
Most people don’t realize there’s a SECRET “loft” scene in downtown Baltimore -- where some of the city’s best art is being made…
Here, high above the rooftops of crumbling rowhomes, artists make pictures that may never be viewed by the public. Why? Because the art is too daring, too sad, too angry, and too wonderful.
Consider “Urban Sky,” for instance: a painting by Jeffrey Kent. Here a giant building scrapes against a flaming gold sky… teetering… exploring shades of 9/11…
Or “Penelope #3,” by Terry Thompson – a portrait of Hollywood sex goddess Penelope Cruz – but done to capture the opposite of her glamour… her unsmiling, blank-faced greed… peeling off the skin of stardom to reveal emptiness and the horror of beauty…
These powerful works of art and others made in secrecy will now be revealed – for the first time collectively – at Sub-Basement Artist Studios.
Voted “Best Art Gallery” in City Paper’s 2005 “Best of” Issue, Sub-Basement is located underground – two stories below street level…
It’s a fitting irony:
The secret art scene that’s taking place high above the street in Baltimore’s lofts – will be revealed far below the city’s sidewalks… moving from one level of secrecy to another…
Our show – “LOFT ART: Selections From the Gallery” – will be on view from December 22 to January 14 2006.